Update regarding Windows 7 computers in Glassboro

Microsoft has announced plans to end support for the Windows 7 operating system next year. Using a computer with an unsupported operating system puts those machines — and any network those machines connect to — at risk. 

For that reason, Information Resources & Technology is working on removing the Windows 7 operating system from the Rowan Network. As part of that effort, we are evaluating whether existing Windows 7 computers can be upgraded or will need to be replaced.

We will be reaching out to employees with Windows 7 computers regarding the status of their computers in separate emails.

If a computer can be upgraded to Windows 10, we will schedule a time to pick up the computer and perform the upgrade. The computer will be returned within two business days. For faster service, you may also bring your computer to the Technology Assistance Center in Memorial Hall during normal operating hours.  

If a computer cannot be upgraded to Windows 10, we will provide information on your options for replacing that computer.

For more information about this project, please see go.rowan.edu/windows. 

Please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400 with any questions or concerns, or submit a ticket at support.rowan.edu.