Working remotely? Connect to VPN to protect your computer!

If you use a Rowan-managed computer primarily off-campus, there are two steps you should take every week to help protect it:

  1. Restart your computer. Reboot your computer at least once a week  — and whenever else you are prompted to do so — to apply security patches and optimize performance.
  2. Connect to the Rowan VPN. Log in to the Rowan VPN for at least two hours every week to ensure your computer receives security and software patches and other necessary updates. For instructions connecting to the Rowan VPN, see our article on logging in to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client, which should already be installed on your computer. 

By taking these two simple steps every week, you can ensure your computer is equipped with the tools it needs to fight off security threats. Rowan-owned computers that aren’t restarted at least once every 30 days will be automatically rebooted in order to apply security updates in accordance with the Workstation Use and Security Policy

When working off campus, you will need to connect via VPN to access certain resources, including your home directory and openarea.  For help, see our article “Home Directory and Openarea: Access From Off Campus Using VPN” article. You can find other resources for working remotely at

If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal.