Upcoming changes to Citrix virtual application access

Information Resources & Technology will soon be changing the way most employees and students access virtual applications in Citrix — the system that provides access to cloud-hosted software programs — in order to improve load times and performance. 

As of August 15, rather than opening individual applications, most employees and students will use the Virtual Desktop to access applications in Citrix. The Virtual Desktop provides a full Windows 10 desktop experience from nearly any device. 

You can start using the Virtual Desktop today by searching for “Virtual Desktop” in Citrix. Once you open the desktop, you’ll find all the applications available to you listed in the Start menu. 

Some employees who have access to restricted clinical and administrative applications will continue to access those applications as they currently do after August 15. For more information, visit go.rowan.edu/citrix​

We will also begin rolling out a new version of Citrix — called Citrix Workspace — to Rowan-owned computers this summer. Citrix Workspace is an updated version of Citrix Receiver. You’ll notice a new icon and color scheme when Citrix Workspace has been pushed to your computer. 

To install Citrix on a personal computer, visit go.rowan.edu/workspace. When prompted for an email address, enter your Rowan University email address and follow the steps to complete installation. Note: If you already have the existing version of Citrix, called Citrix Receiver, installed on your computer, it will continue to work, so you do not need to immediately upgrade.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or log in to support.rowan.edu​ and click Get Help.