Beware of fake Rowan login pages

Hackers are creating fake login pages that look really similar to legitimate Rowan University websites to try to get access to your account. 

Often, the only way you can spot a fake from the real thing is by carefully looking at the URL. The URL may include but start with a .net, .com or other domain, like

fake login page example

Be particularly wary of websites you are prompted to log in to from a link in an email or document. When you are logging in to applications protected by Rowan’s single sign-on service, the URL will always start with 

Hackers are also using another tactic to try to steal your Rowan NetID and password: sending you a barrage of Duo sign-in requests with the intent to frustrate you enough to approve access — even if you didn’t initiate the login attempt.

If you are receiving login approval requests from Duo that you didn’t expect or sent through a method you normally don’t use, like SMS or phone calls, change your password immediately at For help, follow our step-by-step instructions on updating your Rowan NetID password

For more security tips, visit our pages on spotting phishing scams and malicious websites. You can always check our list of known scams​ if you receive an email you think is suspicious.

If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400, or submit a ticket in the Rowan Support Portal