Applications Development & Support

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Applications Development & Support

Applications Development & Support

start iconGetting Started 

For: Faculty, Staff

Access: See details below

Availability: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

What Do I Get? 

This service provides a consultation with IRT staff to determine the business needs that would ultimately shape a custom application or an integration into a Rowan system.

Why Do I Want It? 

Custom-built applications are tailor-made to accommodate the needs of your department when an out-of-the-box software is not available or does not meet your needs. The custom-built application can be designed to integrate with current software in use at Rowan University.

Who Can Get It?

This service is available to faculty and staff.

How Do I Request It?

Submit a request using the ASA Request Form in the Rowan Support Portal. Please provide as much information as possible to assist with the initial evaluation.

Each request for application development must be reviewed by IRT. Meetings will be held with the stakeholders to determine workflow, design, etc. Completion times vary depending on the complexity of the request.

How Can I Access It?  

During the development of the application, discussions will be held to determine where to best house the application.

How Do I Get Help With It After I Have It?

If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400. You can also submit your question in the Rowan Support Portal.

The Technology Support Center aims to address all support requests within one business day. If the Technology Support Center cannot resolve your issue, it will take up to one more business day to receive a response to your support request for this service.