Laptop Buying Guide
Laptop Buying Guide
Laptop Buying Guide
Recommended Minimum Laptop Specifications for All Students• Intel Core i7 processor (Mac or Windows), M1 processor (Mac) or AMD Ryzen 7 processor (Windows)
• 512GB solid state drive
• 16GB RAM
We recommend all students come to campus with a new, name-brand laptop.
Picking the best laptop for you will depend on your major and personal preferences. You should contact your department of study to determine whether you need to purchase a laptop with specific requirements.
College-Specific Laptop Information
Engineering Students
The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering requires incoming students to bring a laptop to campus. Please visit the College of Engineering's website for current laptop recommendations.
Business Students
The William G. Rohrer College of Business requires incoming students to bring a laptop to campus. Students should purchase a laptop that meets or exceeds the recommended minimum laptop specifications shown on this page.
A Windows-based laptop is strongly recommended, as most of the software used in business courses are designed to run on this platform. However, owners of Macs can access the same software available for Windows users through virtual desktops.
CHSS Students
The College of Humanities & Social Sciences requires incoming students to have access to a laptop for coursework. Students should purchase a laptop that meets or exceeds the recommended minimum laptop specifications shown on this page.
RowanSOM Students
Medical students at RowanSOM are provided a laptop at orientation. See our RowanSOM laptop page for more information.
Buying a Windows Laptop
There are two major classes of Windows-based computers: consumer class and enterprise class.
Consumer class computers are available from major retailers, like Best Buy, and are less expensive but not built for longevity. If you buy a consumer class laptop, you may have to replace it before graduation.
Most manufacturers differentiate the classes by product line. For example, the Latitude line is Dell's enterprise class, and the Inspiron line is Dell's consumer class. The ThinkPad line is Lenovo's enterprise class, and the Ideapad line is Lenovo's consumer class.
We also recommend you buy an accidental damage warranty, which will cover all basic hardware problems plus any damage from drops, spills, etc.
Buying a Lenovo Laptop
While we do not have a preference for the brand of computer you buy, Rowan University currently uses Lenovo computers on our campuses, and Lenovo has extended our campus pricing to students.
We are also authorized to perform warranty work on Lenovo Think brand computers. Loaner computers may be available to students who own a Lenovo Think brand computer. We cannot perform on-site warranty repairs on Lenovo Ideapad brand computers, but our technicians are able to assist with sending Ideadpad computers to Lenovo for repair.
To review and purchase a Lenovo laptop, visit the Lenovo website for Rowan University students. When purchasing a Lenovo computer through this program, you are purchasing directly from Lenovo, not through Rowan University.
Engineering Students
Visit the College of Engineering's website for more information.
Buying a Mac Laptop
If you want to buy a Mac laptop, you may purchase the computer online, through the Apple Store for Education or directly from an Apple Store.

When purchasing a laptop at an Apple Store, remember to bring your student ID and mention that you are a student in order to get student pricing.
We also recommend you purchase three years of AppleCare, a warranty program that covers most hardware problems.
Please note that due to the nature of Apple and AppleCare, we cannot repair Mac laptops on campus. Those repairs must be handled by Apple.
We recommend you install antivirus software on your computer to help protect your computer and data from potential attacks.
You can download Microsoft 365 on up to five personal devices for free. Other software, including the Adobe Creative Suite, is available through our virtual desktops.